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Homemade Fabric Baby Wipes with Moisturizing Solution

If you love natural products for your family then give this tutorial for Homemade Fabric Baby Wipes with Moisturizing Solution a try. It’s perfect for diaper changes, cleaning up after a messy meal, or anytime baby gets a little grubby. The ingredients are soothing, gentle, and easy to combine for a natural solution to your family’s messes.

It was easy for me to take my husband’s old t-shirt and cut it up. He needed a new one anyway. Jersey cotton is a fantastic recycled fabric for baby wipes because it’s soft and the cut edges don’t unravel even after washing them.

We keep a stack of these recycled fabric cleanup cloths in our kitchen for after mealtime and in our bathroom for a quick wipe down from playing outside. Surely my kids aren’t the only ones gifted at getting extraordinarily messy all day long!

The moisturizing baby wipes solution we love is gentle and soothing for delicate skin.

Take 5 minutes to make your own Homemade Fabric Baby Wipes with Moisturizing Solution with these simple steps.

New to essential oils? Learn more about how we use them and why you should use them as well. [4]

Homemade Fabric Baby Wipes with Solution



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