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6 Cheerful Mom Essential Oil Roller Blend Recipes

There should probably be a term for that far-off look I get in my eye when I’m just done. I’m done with the day’s chaos. Done with the mess. I’m ready to just lock the door and eat an entire pint of ice cream. Well, I’m not giving up that easily. I’m determined to beat that feeling with a batch of our new Cheerful Mom Essential Oil Roller Blend Recipes.

When my day gets the best of me, I like to reach for essential oils that make me happy.

They help me get past my funky feelings and get on with the business of being cheerful.

Of course, it’s not just me. There are numerous studies that have been done on how essential oils can affect our moods [1] in a very positive way.

They do this by interacting with our olfactory nerves which communicate directly with our brains. Yes, they literally tell our brains to snap out of it!

We’ve put together some crazy, good essential oil roller blends to get your creative juices flowing and to help you get back to being a cheerful mom!

New to essential oils? Learn more about how we use them and why you should use them as well. [2]

Cheerful Mom Roller Blend



Go ahead and have your girlfriends over for a DIY night for everyone to have their own Cheerful Mom Essential Oil Roller Blends.

You know we love to have options. Here are more of our favorite scent combinations for every mom that’s trying to get through the day with a smile. Just use the same 10ml bottles, add the essential oil, and finish with the coconut oil. Easy!

Thank Goodness It’s Friday! Essential Oil Roller Blend

Choose to Be Cheerful Essential Oil Roller Blend

Smiling from Ear to Ear Essential Oil Roller Blend

Walking on a Cloud Essential Oil Roller Blend

Snap Out of It Essential Oil Roller Blend

Check out our Make & Take Party Printable Pack that features Emotional Support Roller Blends for Relaxing and Energizing here! [5]

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